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Utilizing the underutilized Analytics/Insights/KPIs in NAV - Part 1


We have many by-default pages in NAV accessible through pre-existing action which gives some really good analysis of the data, present the scattered data into useful information and provide better insights.

But, we have always ignored them and relied mostly on Account Schedule, Analysis by Dimension, and many such reports only. I have noticed people showing these proudly while demonstrating the system to potential customers. These are indeed exceptionally important and useful tools/reports.

But, the pre-defined insights already available in multiple parts of the NAV are never highlighted for their true potential. I am going to highlight them in my blog now. I hope you will give them the place they deserve in the wonderful world of NAV. 😜

As all of these are self-explanatory, I am not going to explain each of these.

So, Blog - Part 1 - Targets analytics available on Vendor List/Card Page only.

Entry Statistics
Statistics by Currency

Show as Chart

I feel this is one that we have ignored the most. I have seen very few consultants showing this to their clients. Though, this page retains the applied filters and Axis Parameters and can be very useful if correctly utilized.

If you Right-click on this chart, NAV gives you the option to save this as Image. Hence, you can utilize this in your PPTs or Mails, intended for the management.

Thanks. I hope it helps!

Will publish Part - 2 soon.



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